Small Parrot Seed Blend

Fruit, Vegetable, Nut & Herb

A nutritional blend containing apples, carrots, and lavender, with naturally occurring healthy fibre for gut health, as well as Vitamin K for bone health in parrots.

Suitable for budgerigars, parakeets, lovebirds, conures, parrotlets, cockatiels and all other small-sized parrots.

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Feeding Guide

Provide your bird with fresh food each day. Make it easy for your bird to remove the nutritious kernels from the seeds by discarding the empty husk. Ensure your bird has access to fresh water daily. Additional selected fruits and vegetables should be given to your bird as a healthy treat.


Canary seeds, grey sunflower seeds, Japanese millet, peanuts, wholegrain oats, carrot, pineapple, safflower, beetroot, walnuts, apple, lavender flower, coriander. Formula may vary due to seasonal availability.


For maximum freshness, store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.

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